BEST-START Page V1.0 By E. Daniel Bors Jr. - This is a powerful start-page/home-page/ search-page that installs on your own computer for use with Netscape Navigator3/4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer3. The page is colorful, highly graphic, and extremely easy to use. Upon loading, it provides a greeting, an amusing Message of the Moment, a time check from the USNO atomic clock, and a news ticker with headlines from 6 to 10 major internet news services. A single click on any headline takes you to the complete news story, and links to four additional news sites are included. The Best-Start Page also has 15 carefully- selected links to popular, useful and interesting sites featuring sports, TV, entertainment, finance, health, reference, computer news and software, government resources, humor, and commentary, as well as a flashing red button that links you to one of 60 random sites. The page also provides Direct Access to: current weather conditions and forecasts for any U.S. locale from NOAA; 12 of the most popular general-purpose search engines; 12 specialty search engines (with home page links); 29 links to Name, Address, Zip, Phone, & E-mail Directories plus Online Maps; dozens of links to small games, puzzles and other mind-candy; and, finally, key-word searches at Earth's Biggest Bookstore. This compact and easy to install start-page is a "must-have" for new and experienced web surfers alike. Shareware. Attempts to edit the source will disable the page. Registered users receive a customizable version of the page source. THe BEST-START (tm) Page v1.0 By E. Daniel Bors Jr. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Make a new directory (for example, c:\best\) or choose an existing one. 2. Unzip the archive into that directory. 3. Set Best10.htm as your browser's home-page, start-page, or search page. a. For Netscape Navigator 3.0+ click |Options|General Preferences|Appearance| |Home Page Location|, type in "file:///c:\ (etc.)" and then click OK. b. For Netscape Communicator 4.0+ click |Edit|Preferences|Navigator Starts With Home Page|, type in "c:\ (etc.)" and then click OK. c. For MSIE 3.0+ click |View|Options|Navigation|, set the drop down menu to |Start Page|, type in "file://c:\ (etc.)" and then click OK. (You can also install The Best-Start Page as your Default Search Page or as a Quick Link by selecting same from the drop down menu.) 4. That's it. When you start your browser it will automatically load The BEST-START Page. And whenever you click on the |Home| button it will reload it for you, no matter where on the web you are. 5. After The BEST-START Page loads the first time, click on "Please Click Here" in the title panel for up-to-date information on registration and the page's many features. And please remember, you have 90 days in which to evaluate The Best-Start Page and register. After that, please remove the unregistered version from your computer. Current e-mail address (July 9, 1997):